It’s completely normal for siblings to bicker, tattle, and tease each other—but that doesn’t mean it’s easy to live with!
If you feel like you’re constantly refereeing fights or trying (and failing) to keep the peace, you’re not alone.
You can’t make your kids be best friends, but you can help them build the skills they need to handle conflict, communicate better, and strengthen their sibling bond.
This month’s FEATURED WORKSHOP: Helping Siblings Get Along
Helping Siblings Get Along is an entertaining and practical workshop that offers research-backed strategies for reducing sibling conflict and fostering connection.
This workshop will help you:
Manage (and even minimize!) sibling conflicts
Teach kids to communicate effectively and build lasting relationships
Understand how personality, family roles, and other factors shape sibling dynamics
Create a more peaceful home (without playing referee 24/7!)
This workshop isn’t about unrealistic expectations—it’s about practical strategies for making life at home a little more peaceful.
Watch a sneak peek!
Handling sibling fights can be challenging—especially when emotions are running high.
In this short clip from the workshop, I share one simple shift that can make a big difference when resolving conflicts between your kids.
This is just one of the many realistic, practical strategies you’ll learn in the full workshop.
Watch at your convenience!
This pre-recorded, online course is divided into short, easy-to-watch sections (about 1 to 5 minutes long), so you can fit it into your busy schedule.
Filled with realistic, doable strategies, this workshop gives you tools you can use right away to help your kids fight less and connect more.
Paid subscribers get $20 OFF this month’s featured workshop!
The coupon expires on the last day of the month.
Paid subscribers will receive their exclusive coupon in a separate email. Be sure to check your inbox!
Become a paid subscriber to keep the Kids Ask Dr. Friendtastic podcast free for everyone and get a coupon code each month for $20 off the featured workshop, plus access to exclusive Parent Q&As.
Want to purchase the workshop without subscribing?
You don’t have to live with constant sibling battles.
Learn simple, research-backed strategies to bring more peace to your home.
Why should you trust me?
I’m a clinical psychologist and an author of many books for parents or kids about children’s feelings and friendships. I’m also a mom of four grown children. You’ll find my workshops are entertaining and practical, filled with realistic, research-based tips you can try right away.