Sitemap - 2023 - Dr. Friendtastic for Parents

How to Be a Good Friend

Tessa, Age 9: Friends won’t listen to “stop” or “no”

Vihaan, Age 6: Friendly brother also acts wild

Dealing with family tension at the holidays

Maya, Age 8: Replaced by a friend’s new friend

When your child... wants to distance from a friend

Richard, Age 11: Wondering how to be popular

Is Your Child a Good Friend?

Saanvi, Age 12: What’s the right gift for a friend?

Ann, Age 9: Dealing with peer pressure

BONUS video: read-aloud of Moody Moody Cars

Ryan, Age 11: Peers put down his interests

When Your Child... Is Scared of Spooky Things

Chloe, Age 9: Upset by name-calling

When Your Child... Feels Shy around Unfamiliar People

Richard, Age 11: Best ways to show empathy

Some quick questions

Tara, Age 12: Friend is pulling away

When Your Child... Can't Decide

Mila, Age 10: When someone tries to be annoying

Michael, Age 10: Why do some kids push others around?

Abby, Age 9: Dealing with Teasing

BONUS post: The Limits of #MentalHealth Content

BONUS Video: August anxiety

Avni, Age 11: Being unfairly targeted by a friend’s anger

Dr. Friendtastic's Friendship League: Josh Martin

Abigail, Age 10: Feeling like a second-choice friend

Bryson, Age 10: Handling teasing about religion

This is going to be fun! :)

Olivia, Age 13: Fake friends versus real friends

When Your Child… is Anxious about Social Events

It's here! It's here! It's here!

Gage, Age 9: Getting pushed around at recess

BONUS 1-min. video: It's almost here!

A gift for you...

Scarlett, Age 13: Changing a bad first impression

Eugene, Age 13: Wanting to be more popular

Online Workshops for Parents OR Kids

Anna, Age 9: Lying friend


Dr. Friendtastic's Friendship League: Jason Griffith

Kai, Age 9: Friends call him bossy

Sophie, Age 10: Balancing a best friend and another friend

When Your Child... Has a Terrible Temper

Sam, Age 13: Joining a new group of friends

Evie, Age 9: What is a close friend?

When Your Child… Was Bullied and You’re Still Anxious

Rowan, Age 12: Feels guilty, wants to make up with a friend

Mara, Age 9: Friend doesn’t want her to have other friends

When Your Child... No Longer Likes Your Friend's Kid

Join me on Notes

New name: Dr. Friendtastic. Who dis?

Adrian, Age 8: Kid bullies him at recess

Violet, age 8: Kids say mean things about a friend’s skin color

Isaac, age 7.5: Friend is disrespectful

BONUS video: Interview about making friends

Ava, age 9: Told she can't play

Blake, age 11: Excluded by friends

When Your Child... is Stuck Feeling Guilty + changes ahead

Emma, age 11: Friend is a poor sport

Jayden, age 9: Wondering why kids bully

When Your Child... Is Uncomfortable Receiving Compliments

Woo hoo! Cover reveal! Look how pretty!

Edith, age 8: Friend doesn’t do what she wants

When Your Child... Has a Domineering Friend

Thomas, age 13: One friend feels left out

When Your Child... Tattles on Other Kids

Noelle, age 10: Kid tries to wreck game

Brayden, age 12: Friendship with brother

Naomi, age 7: Friendship ends over small thing

When your child... has a boy-girl friendship

When Your Child... Has a Not-So-Nice Friend

When Your Child… Has an Imaginary Friend